Welcome to the RADMEP EMJMD Website!

The 2-year (120 ECTS) European Master in Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies (RADMEP) will provide a multidisciplinary and innovative programme covering the interactions between Radiation and MicroElectronics and Photonics, two Key Enabling Technologies for the future of Europe. RADMEP objective is to educate students in those advanced technologies, providing methodologies and introducing practical applications for their implementation in a variety of natural or man-made radiation-rich environments. RADMEP has two goals: first to improve their career prospects and second to respond to the needs of the industry, agencies and society. Thanks to this EMJMD, students will develop useful professional and soft skills in the rich European cultural context.

Call for applicants 2024-2026 : from October 15th 2023 to February 8th 2024


Fiber optic dosimeter for space application / copyright iXblue


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